
WP3 – VEP Course
About Lesson
Module 2_What are the European Values_Unit 1_SYNTHESIS.pptx


Choose one of the core European Values outlined in this unit (Human Rights, Democracy, Rule of Law, Equality, Freedom, or Human Dignity) and write an essay (700 to 1000 words) incorporating the following three sections:

  • Origins and historical context
    • Investigate the origins of the selected value in a European context.
    • Highlight significant moments in European history when this value had a major impact or was threatened.
  • Global impact
    • Examine how the selected European value has impacted policies, movements, or social changes outside of Europe, particularly in regions or countries where European influence was prominent.
  • The role of the EU
    • Research and analyse how the EU has played a role in protecting and promoting your chosen value, both within and outside of its member states.

Additional Materials


  1. What are EU values? by European Parliament
  2. European Values, Identity, and Politics in 2019 by Milken Institute


Further reading:

  1. Council of Europe. (2023). Democracy
  2. Council of United Nations. (2023). What is the Rule of Law?
  3. European Union. (2021). Chapter 2: Freedoms. In Key Principles of EU Law (pp. 25-44).
  4. European Union. (2021). Chapter 3: Equality. In Key Principles of EU Law (pp. 45-68).
  5. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). (2023). EU Charter – Article 1: Human Dignity. 
  6. United Nations. (1948). Universal Declaration of Human Rights