SUSDEVALUES es un consorcio financiado por Erasmus+ y formado por seis organizaciones asociadas de toda Europa.


El Centro de Educación de Adultos de Grobina (PIC) se creó en 1996. El centro trabaja en el desarrollo de cursos de educación no formal de adultos, seminarios y ejecución de proyectos.


La Asociación EUROASIA para una Sociedad Innovadora es una organización no gubernamental sin ánimo de lucro cuyo objetivo es unir a las personas independientemente de su edad, sexo, nacionalidad, color, religión, opinión y perspectiva.


VAEV Research and Development Agency Gmbh (VAEV) es una organización de investigación con sede en Viena (Austria), formada por una comunidad de apasionados comprometidos con el desarrollo de soluciones sostenibles para mejorar los procesos de educación y aprendizaje.


INDEPCIE (Instituto para el Desarrollo Personal, Emprendimiento, Coaching e Inteligencia Emocional) es una empresa de formación fundada en 2018 centrada en la formación actitudinal y la mejora del rendimiento humano


TATICS es una empresa que opera principalmente en los sectores de:
1) Educación y formación;
2) Marketing y comunicación;
3) Proyectos europeos.


SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education es una organización pionera que diseña y ejecuta proyectos de investigación y educación con impacto social.


Grobina Adult Education centre (PIC) was established in 1996. The centre works at the development of adult non-formal education courses, seminars, project implementation. The objectives of Grobina Adult Education center: to ensure qualitative adult education to all layers of society, to improve the contents of adult education accenting the needs of the 21st century and e-learning, to create adult education programmes, to diminish the number of early school leavers, to promote middle aged and elderly adults, to enrol in lifelong learning programmes, to stimulate adults to re-qualify and acquire a new profession, to improve the existing educational programmes and to develop new adult education programmes in accordance with the requirements of the European job market, to strengthen national and international cooperation, to develop non-traditonal and innovative study programmes (intergeneration courses and cooperative learning courses), to create and maintain the database of adult education in the country.


EUROASIA Innovative Society Association is a Non-Governmental, Non-Profit Organization that aims to bring people together regardless of their age, gender, nationality, color, religion, opinion and perspective. Since our association aims to bring diverse back-grounded people together, our association has 100+volunteer members comprising diverse back-grounded people.One third of our members hold B.A and 5 of our members hold Phd mainly inthe field
of management, clinical psychology, finance, ICT and STEM. Our association is an adult related education related association that specializes in creation of sustainable, digital, green and accessible education.


Vienna Association of Education Volunteers (VAEV) is a non-governmental organization, based in Vienna, Austria, formed by a community of passionate advocates committed to developing sustainable solutions to improve education and learning processes by conducting research, participating in projects and promoting innovation. Through continuous interaction of cross border collaboration, VAEV develops and delivers programmes in the form of community based activities to empower people, advocate for policy change and advance and strengthen access to quality education and learning opportunities for the most vulnerable groups.


INDEPCIE (Institute for the Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Coaching and Emotional Intelligence) is a training company founded in 2018 focused in the attitudinal training and the improvement of human performance. The company works with clients with the aim of increasing their results both in personal or professional areas, developing techniques and strategies in the areas of coaching, Emotional Intelligence, soft skills and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).


‘TATICS is a company operating mainly in the sectors of:
1) Education and training;
2) Marketing and communication;
3) European projects.
TATICS has in its portfolio the knowhow and expertise in the field of new technologies and new media approaches, especially for the experimentation of new solution in in the fields of education, marketing and communication. Tatics designs efficient tools for evolution and growth for companies, institutions and people, through services ranging from strategic planning to online and offline marketing, from communication to design and web-design, from vocational training to European planning, from tools for internationalization to territorial marketing. Tatics proposes innovative solutions, guaranteeing a complete and personalized consulting service that goes from the preliminary analysis to the conception of the development project, from planning to implementation up to the evaluation of the results achieved.


SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is a pioneering organization which designs and implements research and educational projects with social impact. SYNTHESIS is Cyprus’ leader in social innovation and social entrepreneurship; it founded Hub Nicosia, a social innovation hub which houses and supports entrepreneurs and organizations with a social mission. In a world surrounded with conflict and exclusion of many forms, SYNTHESIS aspires to take part in actions that improve individual lives, enhance social inclusion, and contribute to a green and sustainable future, for the people and the planet.